Our Philosophy

Everyone including special children has the right to be happy, we are just the co-pilots on their journey to improvement.

Who Are We

We are professional therapist and educators, specializing in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, sensory processing training, and psychological as well as neuro-related therapy

Our Mission

To provide quality therapy and special education to children with exceptional needs 

What We Do

Provide Assessment, Therapy and Special Education as well as Parent Training

Our History

HappyLand was founded in year 2002, the first program offered by the centre is Sensory Integration Training. However the Centre encountered many challenges due to the poor public awareness about children with exceptional needs. HappyLand faced many crisis during the early set up stage, until the stage of nearly closing down. However with the endurance and persistent effort from the founder, HappyLand seen a new light after 3 years of setting up. Currently, with the growing of professional team and continuously dedication to serve the exceptional children, we continue to grow. 


Why Choose Us?

Our team consists of qualified  Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapist, Special Educators

We have served more than 2,500 children and have accumulated years of experiences to handle children with Autism, ADHD and other type of disorders.  

We provide Parent Tuition Class to support parents to teach the child at home. Parents will have clearer ideas about the progress of the child. 

We are using medical grade devices and equipment for neuro-training. 

We use standardized test battery to assess children, this will provide a more accurate view on the therapy needs of the child. 

Seminar/Workshop Done
Happy Clients
Test Batteries

What Parents says